Medical marijuana (MMJ) is at its most potent when fresh and unharmed by environmental conditions. As with other consumable products – such as food or wine – there are certain criteria to adhere to in order to maintain consistent quality. Knowing where and how to store MMJ according to certain parameters is essential for both its freshness and ability to provide its health benefits.
Even though there’s no set time that marijuana can be stored before it spoils, under optimal conditions, cannabis can be kept for upwards of two years. A study published in 1976 in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology showed that cannabinoids can remain stable with a shelf life of up to 2 years if properly cured for at least four weeks.
No matter how carefully it is stored, however, cannabis will degrade over time. Both its terpenes and essential oils dry out over time. Even THC (the psychoactive compound) will ultimately degrade into CBD – a non-psychoactive cannabinoid.
The shorthand rule to adhere to is remembering the acronym CHAD:
“Cool place, Humidity controlled, Airtight, Darkness”
Cool Place
Cannabis maintains itself better in cool but not cold environments. Think of the optimum temperature as a bit cooler than room temp. As such, warmth isn’t good for medical marijuana as heat will dry it out making it less effective. High temperatures also result in diminished terpenes which creates an unpleasant flavor and a hot, harsh smoke. At the same time, storing MMJ at too low of a temperature can also cause degradation of terpenes and cannabinoid content. Cold temperatures may result in the bud structure being damaged, resulting in less potent cannabis. For this reason, marijuana should not be kept in the fridge or freezer. The cold sucks out moisture and damages the resin glands.
Additionally, taking it out of the fridge and putting it back repeatedly can make it prone to mildew. Mold thrives at temperatures above 77˚F. Ideally, Medical Marijuana should be stored at temperatures below 74 degrees, ideally 65 degrees Fahrenheit but no less than 55 degrees.
Humidity controlled
By its own nature, MMJ is defined by its moisture content which can change rapidly depending on the climate where it is stored. However, dry air makes cannabis brittle and less potent, too much humidity results in the growth of mold. When MMU develops mold, it is no longer safe to smoke. MMJ requires a happy medium so maintaining proper humidity levels is vital to storage.
The best way to control and monitor humidity is through measurement and balance. A hydrometer keeps track of the RH percentage. Optimum humidity levels range between 50 and 70% with an RH between 59 and 63% being ideal
It is important to minimize oxygen exposure with MMJ. Oxygen accelerates the degradation process of cannabinoids and terpenes. When marijuana is exposed to air, it starts to dry out and the oxygen starts to degrade terpenes, cannabinoids, and other phytonutrients. The less cannabis is exposed to oxygen, the longer it will take to degrade.
The best way to store MMJ is in airtight jars – even traditional mason jars as they come in a variety of sizes. The glass container forms a seal. Plastic bags or containers that have a static charge should NOT be used. These types of bags attract trichomes and do not protect medical marijuana from air or moisture. As a side note, plastic bags pose a risk for the product to get crushed, risking trichomes being removed from the bud, rendering the plant less potent or effective.
Although cannabis plants thrive on light during their growth stage, it’s important to keep marijuana out of direct sunlight when storing it. In fact, the darker the better. UV rays degrade the plant and studies have shown it to be the leading factor in cannabinoid deterioration and lessening of potency. To avoid losing both terpene and cannabinoid content, an ideal place may be a drawer. If that is not available, dark containers can work.
Lastly, it is to avoid opening MMJ containers as much as possible. The less they are opened – and touched! – the better. It is also always advised to keep MMJ away from children and pets as well.
Patients need only consult with Dr. Fernando Fandino-Sende and his team at Miami’s LifeCannMD to get further tips on MMJ, storage, and consumption. Florida’s top-rated medical marijuana referral clinic has served over 5,000 satisfied patients. For more information, please visit www.lifecannmd.com, email health@lifecannmd.com or call (833) 543-3226.