During this time of vigilance concerning the spread of the COVID-19 virus, LifeCannMD will remain open, but will offer a curb-side service to minimize exposure in public spaces. This new policy is designed to keep our medical staff, as well as our patients, as safe as possible. In accordance with the state’s guideline, patients may not enter the building at this time.
Dr. Fernando Fandino-Sende is able to see patients from the safety of their cars utilizing all of the necessary safety precautions while conducting curb-side appointments for medical marijuana certifications and re-certifications.
- Simply book an appointment.
- When you show up, stay in your car.
- Call the office to check-in.
- We will meet you at your car, provide you with a mask and gloves and the required paperwork.
- Once everything is complete, Dr. Fernando Fandino-Sende will come to you.
It really is that easy for curb-side medical marijuana card appointments (including smokeable medical marijuana cards). If you would like to purchase any of our CBD products, they are 20% off during April. We can recommend products for your unique needs and bring those to your car as well. There is absolutely no reason to leave your car unless it is by the recommendation of Dr. Fernando Fandino-Sende during his evaluation.