For many centuries, cannabis has been used as an aphrodisiac across various cultures. There is evidence it was used as far back as the seventh century in India, for instance. Others such as the Chinese, African and German cultures also have evidence of cannabis being used for sexual health.
The body’s endocannabinoid system regulates pleasure and pain as well as relaxation. Cannabinoids in cannabis that stimulate this bodily system is what results in patients experiencing feelings of relaxation as well as increased pleasure and, even, decreased pain. When it comes to sexual health, these benefits can lead to not only increased sexual arousal, but also making sexual intercourse more pleasurable.
CBG/CBD and the day of love are a perfect match because cannabinoids and terpenes can help you relax, release anxiety, and open you up for a closer connection with your loved ones.
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According to a study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine (JSM), daily users of Marijuana have 20% more sex than those who don’t use cannabis. This is across all demographic groups. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol – the cannabinoid THC – maybe what targets the part of the brain that is associated with sexual arousal. To ramp up libido, strains with high levels of the terpene limonene are found to be efficacious.
There are a number of strains to choose from as an aid to increasing libido and arousal in both men and women. Here are a few:
Mimosa – Medical Marijuana Strain for Anxiety Reduction
Mimosa is a Sativa-dominant Hybrid with the following Terpenes: Myrcene, Pinene and Limonene. Mimosa calms nerves by reducing feelings of anxiety. This translates to eliminating negative feelings and replacing them with confidence and a positive mindset.
Wedding Cake – Medical Marijuana Strain for Bliss
Wedding Cake is an Indica-dominant Hybrid with the following Terpenes: Limonene, Caryophyllene and Myrcene. It has a high THC content and overall manifests in an uplifted mood. Patients report a calm, joyful effect that encourages sexual arousal.
Strawberry Cough – Medical Marijuana Strain for Lowering Inhibitions
Strawberry Cough is a Sativa-dominant Hybrid with the following Terpenes: Myrcene, Pinene and Caryophyllene. This strain increases stimulates feelings of mental ease. As a result it can release tension and lower any inhibitions making it a perfect choice for the bedroom.
Do-Si-Dos – Medical Marijuana Strain for Whole Body Relaxation
Do-Si-Dos is an Indica-dominant Hybrid with Limonene, Caryophyllene and Linalool Terpenes. The effects from this strain is full-bodied relaxation which encourages sexual pleasure. Many users report that mental inhibitions fall to the wayside as a result of smoking Do-Si-Dos.
Trainwreck – Medical Marijuana Strain for Uplifted Feelings
Trainwreck is a Sativa-dominant Hybrid with the main Terpenes of: Terpinolene, Myrcene and Pinene. The strain is known for the relaxing, joyful and uplifting feelings it elicits. Though it contains a slightly lower THC content, it works to relieve pain and can therefore make sex more pleasurable in certain patients.
Atomic Northern Lights – Medical Marijuana Strain for Enhancement
Atomic Northern Lights is an Indica-dominant Hybrid with Myrcene, Caryophyllene and Limonene as it’s dominant Terpenes. This strain is ideal for a longer sexual intercourse enhancer.
Sour Diesel – Medical Marijuana Strain for Energy
Sour Diesel is a Sativa strain with its main Terpenes of: Caryophyllene, Limonene and Myrcene. It is known for fast-acting effects and long-lasting results. As it works quickly, it’s ideal for those who want a quick uncomplicated start and an upbeat sexual experience.
Though the frequency to perform sexually inevitably declines with age, sexual activity has many benefits to the aging population including lowering the risk of prostate cancer and decreasing blood pressure by the opening and relaxation of the blood vessels. Cannabis based products that do not require smoking can also benefit seniors by providing them increased sensation and relaxation as well as decreased pain during sex. Examples include:
Stay Ready – a Natural Hemp Aloe Vera Lubricant This is an all natural product made to enhance the sexual experience by providing the ability to relax the mind, body and soul. Stay Wet Hemp Infused Female Sexual Enhancement Pills Allow patients the ability to perform sexually at a high level without stress or anxiety. The powerful all natural ingredients help increase blood flow, decrease discomfort and improve libido. Both of these can be used in conjunction with the Stay Ready Hemp Infused Male Enhancement Pills This allows patients to perform sexually at a high level without stress or anxiety and the powerful all natural ingredients also help increase blood flow and improve libido.
Finding the right product for sexual health is an incredibly individual process and can therefore be overwhelming. Medical Marijuana patients who are looking into the perfect strain or CBD-based product for sexual health and wellness, need only consult with Dr. Fernando Fandino-Sende and his team at Miami’s LifeCann MD.
Florida’s top-rated medical marijuana referral clinic has served over 3,000 satisfied patients. For more information, please call (833) 543-3226.